About MU

The idea to establish an educational institution started in June 1997, after which time it took five years to develop and open the university. It opened in September 1997 as a non-governmental, non-profit institution for higher learning, governed by a Board of Trustees and a University Council.

MU Campuses

Mogadishu university campuses
MU has six beautiful campuses located in different parts of Mogadishu and the country and every campus has its own character. The following are the names of our major campuses:
The main campus
The main campus which locates in Yaqshid hosts the major faculties of health sciences, engineering, Computer science, and IT. Its location is ideal for learning as it is spacious and quiet.
Wadjir Campus
This campus hosts the faculty of Sharia and law, in addition, it is a station for Radio Himilo which is operated by the university to broadcast education and developmental programs.
Dharkeynley Campus
Dharkeynley Campus hosts faculty of economics and management sciences, in addition to the faculty of political science and public administration. Taleh Campus
This campus locates in a strategic position that lies in the heart of Mogadishu near KM4. It houses the faculty of medicine, in addition to the institute of languages.
Postgraduate campus The postgraduate campus also lies in a strategic position near KM4. It hosts all postgraduate programs, in addition to the faculty of education and humanities.
Administration Campus
The administration campus is located in the heart of Mogadishu near KM4. It houses administrative offices which provide services to students and support the educational mission of the university. The management offices include the president, Deputies president, finance, registration, public relations, and student affairs offices.
