The Horn of Africa Conference on Economics and Management (HACEM) is an annual research conference that provides a platform for academicians, researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs and public bureaucrats to exchange their research findings, new ideas and experiences about the Horn of Africa. The scope of the conference covers all issues related to economics and management disciplines in both the public and private sectors in the Horn of Africa. The primary purpose of the conference is to gather academics, industry and government authorities to scientifically approach public and private issues with practical concerns in the Horn of Africa to reach evidence-based research conclusions to better inform public policies and private businesses decisions. Responding to the socioeconomic challenges in Somalia and the other horn of African countries, Benadir and Mogadishu universities jointly established the conference to bring subject experts together to facilitate the generation of academically informed public and private policies. To achieve this, the conference offers an opportunity for all partners at both individual and institutional levels to connect, share innovative ideas, and present their research to tackle social challenges in the horn of Africa community and beyond. Being an annual event, the conference focuses on specific important and interesting issues with a timely public and private concern and proposes scholarly viable solutions to decision-makers.


The objective of the conference is to create a forum to bring subject experts, scientists, researchers, with policymakers together to discuss and exchange ideas, novel results, work in progress, and experience in all aspects of Business, Finance, Management, Economics, procurement, and logistics, banking, public administration and International Trade.


The event is designed for members of the academia and non-profit, public, and private sector members who are interested in the latest research and academic developments in the fields of Management, Economics, and all other sub-field-related areas.


The conference announces “Food Shortage in the horn of Africa: Role of Economic policies” as the 2023 conference theme and officially invites all academicians, researchers, and executive officials to submit, individually or in partnership with other researchers, their valuable articles/papers comprising the latest scientific and research findings on the main or related themes and topics of the Conference to the Conference Secretariat. The first annual conference is scheduled to hold in Mogadishu on March 19th and 20th 2023.


The target study areas for the first annual conference include, but are not limited to food prices, food production, food trade, food logistics and supply chain, climate change and food shortage, advanced technologies and food production, root causes of food shortage, consequences of food shortage, conflicts, displacements and food shortage, deficiency of rainfall and food shortage, entrepreneurship and food industry investments, credit accessibility and food investment, food import and food insecurity, food subsidy public policies and food security, food insecurity and famine, preferences shifts and household consumption decisions, COVID-19 effects and food shortage and Russia-Ukraine war and global food shortage.


  • The determinants of food shortage (micro and macro analysis) in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Trade logistics and supply chain management of food in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Sources of food supply and food prices in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Recurrent droughts and food shortage in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Socioeconomic consequences of food shortage in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Climate change and food shortage in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Production, distribution of food and role of advanced technologies in Somalia/ in the horn of Africa.
  • Food security and the sustainable development goals: synergies, tensions, and trade-offs.




HACEM accepts high-quality, unplagiarized papers that are highly relevant to both the Horn of Africa context and the conference theme. The HACEM research committee retains the right not to accept any paper(s) that is deemed irrelevant to the HACEM theme. Furthermore, papers that were published a year before the HACEM event will not be accepted to the conference. On the other hand, authors have the right to publish the papers elsewhere after presenting them at HACEM.

Plagiarism and reviewing process

  • HACEM research committee will check all the submitted papers for plagiarism using reliable software. Any paper with more than 25% plagiarized words or sentences will not be accepted.
  • All papers will be subject to a double-blind review process and are required to meet certain scientific criteria concerning novelty and academic excellence.


  • HACEM accepts English and Arabic -written papers.
  • HACEM reviewers and the research committee have the right to edit and correct any language related errors such as grammatical and spelling.

Paper Structure

The submitted paper must have:

  • Abstract
  • Background, Purpose/Objectives
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Findings/results and discussions
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices (If necessary)


  • HACEM review committee requires APA-style referencing.


  • All papers must be submitted in Word or PDF format.
  • A paper length cannot be more than 20 pages, including tables, figures, references, and appendices.
  • The font must be A4 size, 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Paragraphs must be single-spaced.


  • All papers must be submitted to before the submission deadline.
  • Any papers submitted via a different channel or after the deadline will not be considered for review.
  • Authors must state the “title of the paper-HACEM2023” in the Email subject.
  • For a fair review, authors must not write their names and affiliation in the body of the paper.
  • Authors must state their names and affiliation in the submission email.

Presentation guidelines

  • Authors whose papers were accepted and received acceptance notifications must submit their PPT slides by March 10th, 2023, at 11:59 PM.
  • Authors have 10 Minutes maximum to present their papers to the audience.
  • Additional 5 Minutes will be given for audiences to comment on authors’ presentations and ask questions.
  • The presentation equipment will partially be ready at the conference venue—Projectors, whiteboard, and flip charts.
  • Authors, however, must bring their computers and flash drives with them.


  • Opening ceremony
  • Professional Sessions and Keynote Speakers
  • Academic Sessions (paper presentations)
  • Panel Discussions and Q&A sessions
  • Closing ceremony and best paper award session


The conference venue will be announced to only the Presenters and participants of the conference through email.


The Conference offers the opportunity to become a conference sponsor or exhibitor. To participate as a sponsor or exhibitor, please complete the Conference Sponsorship Request Form. CONTACT US Phone: (0619764142 and 0615534953) and Email ( and


We, therefore, welcome abstracts/papers related to the conference theme “Food Shortage in the horn of Africa: Role of Economic policies”.

For more details about conference and submission guidelines, please click on the link below.

Thank you
